Preparation of TmTe thin films and their optical, electrophysical and mechanical properties

  • З. Джабуа Грузинский технический университет, Департамент инженерной физики
  • Н. Туркадзе Грузинский технический университет, Департамент инженерной физики
  • А. Гигинеишвили Грузинский технический университет, Департамент инженерной физики
Keywords: thulium telluride, thermal evaporation, film, optical absorption, electrical resistance, Hall constant, thermo-EMF, mechanical durability


A processes has been developed for grown of thin crystalline films by thermal evaporation using Tm and Te separate sources. At room temperature the optical spectra of absorption have been studied at photon energy 0.6–3.9 eV. Temperature defendences of specific resistance, Hall constants and thermo-EMF are measured in temperature area 95–500 К. It is shown that according to measurements of a constant of Hall of a film have conductivity n-type, and according to measurements a termoEMF — conductivity p-type. The method of complete abrasion measured the relative mechanical durability of films. Researches showed that the relative mechanical durability of films depends on substrate material.


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How to Cite
Джабуа, З., Туркадзе, Н., & Гигинеишвили, А. (2017). Preparation of TmTe thin films and their optical, electrophysical and mechanical properties. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 2(4), 210-217. Retrieved from