Application of Korobov’s Photon Matrixes in the Treatment of Post-Abstinent Syndrome in Opioid Dependence

  • I. К. Sosin Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • Y. F. Chuev Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • А. М. Korobov V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • V. А. Korobov V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The work examines the opportunities of photon therapeutic technologies in the treatment of post-abstinent syndrome in the clinic of opioid dependence for the correction of aff ective, painful and agripnic disorders. The objects of the study were 2 patient groups: the control group received standard medical therapy, the main group  — a standard and photon therapy complex using Korobov’s matrixes. It is shown that the therapeutic effi cacy of photon technologies was determined by the reducing eff ects on algic and aff ective disorders and manifested by a declining degree of psychological and physical discomfort. Integrated use of photon technologies and standard therapy allowed to mutually potentiate the correcting eff ects in respect of the major clinical syndromes which provided soft course of post-abstinent syndrome, reduction of its duration and improvement of rehabilitation capacity of the patients


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How to Cite
SosinI. К., Chuev, Y. F., KorobovА. М., & KorobovV. А. (2015). Application of Korobov’s Photon Matrixes in the Treatment of Post-Abstinent Syndrome in Opioid Dependence. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, 1(2), 97–101. Retrieved from