The Use of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Among the Demobilized Members of the Antiterrorist Operation with PTSD, Located on Rehabilitation in Sanatorium Conditions
Attention is paid to historical background various mental disorders and behavior of psychogenic origin, particularly to post-traumatic stress disorder. The paper approaches problems of definition, etiology and pathogenesis, primary diagnosis of PTSD among the demobilized members of the antiterrorist operation in sanatorium rehabilitation. The emphasis is placed on the basic groups (clusters) of neurotic, pathological personality and psychopathological symptoms of this group of patients. Attention is paid to medical and psychological rehabilitation of demobilized members of the antiterrorist operation in sanatorium conditions, especially to new and innovative approaches to the problem and new forms of intervention including EAP at the premises of Feldman Ecopark Center of psychosocial rehabilitation for children and adolescents.
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Copyright (c) 2016 B. V. Mykhaylov, A. I. Serdiuk, M. E. Vodka, T. A. Aliieva, I. D. Vashkite
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.