Comparison between magnetoresistivity and magnetothermopower in Bi93.99Mn6Fe0.01
For the first time magnetoresistivity Δρ/ρ and magnetothermopower ΔS/S in textured polycrystalline samples of Bi93.99Mn6Fe0.01 were studied in a wide temperature range (300 ÷ 4.2) К and in magnetic field B=3 T. The peculiarities on the temperature dependencies of resistivity ρ, magnetoresistivity Δρ/ρ, thermopower S and magnetothermopower ΔS/S were found. These peculiarities are likely due to modification of the band structure of the charge carrier energy spectrum and/or spin-dependent scattering of charge carriers under magnetic field. It is shown that the peculiarities on the temperature dependence of Δρ/ρ and ΔS/S correlate each other very well.
magnetic field; resistivity; magnetoresistivity; thermopower; magnetothermopower
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