Influence of transport current on the magnetic field induced superconductor-insulator transition in PbTe/PbS heterostructures

  • O. I. Yuzephovich B. I. Verkin Institute of Low-temperature Physics and Engineering, Lenina ave. 47, 61103 Kharkov, Ukraine International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures, 530421 Wroclaw, Poland
Keywords: superconductivity, quantum superconductor-insulator transition, semiconductor heterostructures


Transport properties of semiconductor heterostructures PbTe/PbS with a superconducting interface are studied. The influence of the electric current on the resistive state of the heterostructures is investigated. The possibility of the realization of the electric current induced superconductor-insulator transition is shown. The temperature dependence of critical magnetic fields of the transition is obtained.


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How to Cite
Yuzephovich, O. I. (1). Influence of transport current on the magnetic field induced superconductor-insulator transition in PbTe/PbS heterostructures. Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Physics, 1158(22), 63-67. Retrieved from