In memory of Valerian Ivanovich Startsev (1913 – 1988)
The article is devoted to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Valerian Ivanovych Startsev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Ukrainian SSR, an outstanding scientist in the field of crystal physics, physics of strength and plasticity, a well-known organizer of science and education in Kharkiv. Information about his scientific, scientific-organizational, scientific-pedagogical activities is presented. A brief overview of the fundamental and applied research conducted under the leadership and with the direct participation of V. I. Startsev is given. The results of these studies were included in the fund of ideas of modern science about the strength and plasticity of solids, stimulated the development of the physical theory of plasticity and dislocation physics.
В.И. Старцев, В.Я. Ильичев, В.В. Пустовалов. Пластичность и прочность металлов и сплавов при низких температурах, Москва, Металлургия (1975), 328 с.
Физика деформационного упрочнения монокристаллов. Отв. ред. В.И. Старцев, В.З. Бенгус. Наук. думка, Киев (1972), 267 с.
П.П. Паль-Валь, Х.Й. Кауфманн, В.И. Старцев. Физика твердого тела, 27, 3, 852 (1985).
В.В. Пустовалов, В.И. Старцев, В.С. Фоменко. Докл. АН СССР, 196, 6, 313 (1971).
В.И. Старцев, И.С. Брауде. Докл. АН СССР, 172, 5, 1053 (1967).
В.П. Солдатов, В.И. Старцев. Докл. АН СССР, 166, 3, 588 (1966).
Л.М. Сойфер, В.И. Старцев. Докл. АН СССР, 134, 4 795 (1960).