Mechanical behavior and mechanisms of superplastic deformation of aluminum alloys exhibiting the effect of structural superplasticity in solid and in solid−liquid states

  • V.P. Poyda V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq. 4, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • A.V. Poyda National Science Centre «Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology» NAS of Ukraine, Academichna street. 1, 61108, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • D.Ye. Myla Institute of Electrophysics & Radiation Technologies NAS of Ukraine, Chernyshevsky St. 28, P.O. Box 8812, 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: aluminum alloys, ultrafine-grained structure, superplastic deformation, deformation mechanisms, grain boundary sliding, fibrous structures


The article presents the results of research aimed at summarizing experimental data on the mechanical behavior, structural state and mechanisms of superplastic deformation of aluminum alloys Al-4 wt.% Ge, Al-4.1 wt.% Cu-0,5 wt.% Zr, 1420T, 1933. It is revealed that the initial microstructure of Al-4 wt.% Ge alloy samples is coarse-grained. Initial microstructure of 1420Т and 1933 alloy samples is bimodal. The study of characteristic types of samples microstructure deformed under the optimal conditions showed that the average grain size d av in samples of Al-4.1 wt.% Cu-0.5 wt.% Zr and 1420T alloys increases slightly. It is revealed that in the course of superplastic deformation of Al-4 wt.% Ge and 1933 alloy samples, recrystallization takes place intensively, it leads to an increase in the initial grain sizes. Accumulation of cavities in the samples of all studied alloys during superplastic flow is observed. In the samples of alloys 1420T and 1933 during superplastic deformation, structural changes occur, which are probably associated with local melting of the alloys. The viscous flow of the metastable liquid-solid phase localized at the grain boundaries leads to the formation of fibrous structures in cavities and cracks. The study of the deformation relief of the samples gives grounds for asserting that their superplastic deformation takes place due to the cooperative development of deformation and accommodation mechanisms, namely grain boundary sliding, intragranular dislocation sliding and diffusion creep. The contribution of grain boundary sliding to the overall deformation of the samples was analyzed, as well as the likely influence of liquid phase inclusions on the mechanism of superplastic deformation of samples that exhibit the effect of structural superplasticity in the solid-liquid state.


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How to Cite
Poyda, V., Poyda, A., & Myla, D. (2023). Mechanical behavior and mechanisms of superplastic deformation of aluminum alloys exhibiting the effect of structural superplasticity in solid and in solid−liquid states . Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Physics, (39), 47-59.