Regular and stochastic dynamics of the Duffing oscillator excited by the harmonic force

Keywords: Duffing oscillator, nonlinear resonance, stochastic dynamics


Regular and stochastic motion of the conservative oscillator with the cubic nonlinearity due to the external harmonic force (Duffing model) was analyzed numerically. Regular motion corresponds to phase oscillations around points of nonlinear resonances. Stochastic motion appears in the vicinity of the phase oscillations’ separatrices or due to the nonlinear resonances’ overlapping (for larger amplitudes of the external force).


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How to Cite
Sikorski, P., & Anisimov, I. (2021). Regular and stochastic dynamics of the Duffing oscillator excited by the harmonic force. Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Physics, (34), 47-50.