Константа равновесия димеризации молекул насыщенного пара тяжелой воды согласно второго вириального коэффициента уравнения состояния

  • С. Храпатый
  • В. Махлайчук


Work is devoted to the definition of the magnitude and temperature dependence the equilibrium constant of the dimerization of the molecules of the saturated vapor of heavy water on the second virial coefficient equation of state. A comparison of the values obtained with the available experimental data. It is found that the results of the determination of the constants of dimerization on the basis of the experimental values of the second virial coefficient satisfactorily correlate with the results of theoretical calculations. The values of the equilibrium constant of the dimerization of molecules of saturated vapor light and heavy water at temperatures above 400 K are in satisfactory agreement.


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How to Cite
Храпатый, С., & Махлайчук, В. (2015). Константа равновесия димеризации молекул насыщенного пара тяжелой воды согласно второго вириального коэффициента уравнения состояния. Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Physics, 1113(20), 16-19. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/physics/article/view/1489