Effective renormalization of g - factors anisotropic ferromagnetic narrow-band f –d -metal

  • E. S. Orel O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv,Revolyutsii street 12, Kharkov 61002, Ukraine.
Keywords: magnon, Green function, narrow-band ferromagnetics, g - factors


Conducting anisotropic narrow-band ferromagnetic connections on the basis of f - d - elements attract enhanceable interest, as systems tightly-coupled between electronic, magnon and latticed by subsystems [1-3]. Magnetic resonance is the effective instrument of research of their power spectrum, however the mechanisms of forming of g - factors of magnetic moments in such substances are studied not enough. Methods of theoretical researches of the resonant phenomena, developed for ferromagnetics described within the framework of charts with Heisenberg intersite by an exchange, as in dielectric [4], so in wide-band conducting systems [5], inapplicable for direct description of the connections examined here. In the real work we investigated the spectrums of magnetic excitations in a narrow-band ferromagnetic explorer containing local ( f ) and quasilocal ( d ) magnetic moments [6]. These spectrums are formed by the spin correlations generated jointly by interatomic co-operations of d electrons (by an exchange with the electrons of shells and Hubbard pushing away), and them intersite hops, taking into account the spatial chaotization of g - factors d - and f - subsystems [6].


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How to Cite
Orel, E. S. (2017). Effective renormalization of g - factors anisotropic ferromagnetic narrow-band f –d -metal. Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Physics, (26), 48-50. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/physics/article/view/10089