Features of the standard evaluation of agricultural land in 2017

  • Володимир Опара Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
  • Олена Домбровська Харківський національний аграрний університет імені В.В. Докучаєва
Keywords: rental capitalized income, agricultural land group, natural-agricultural area, monetary land valuation


Normative pecuniary valuation of land belongs to important economic regulators of land relations in Ukraine. Indicators of monetary valuation of land plots are used to determine the size of the land tax, the State duty at exchange, inheritance and the donation of land rent for land plots of the state and communal property, loss of agricultural and forestry production, as well as in the development of indicators and economic mechanisms to stimulate rational use and protection of lands. Normative monetary valuation of agricultural land is defined according to the standards of capitalized rent income on land for agricultural purposes and indicators of soils bonitet by drafting evaluation scales of agroindustrial groups of soils in natural agricultural areas. Index of standard capitalized rent on income reflects the profitability of a business. The soil differences appear on soil maps and they are the main target of the regulatory evaluation. The main source of information about the soil cover of agricultural land should actually be made by Derzhgeocadastr archives and its subordinate State enterprises according to the results of standard evaluation of a single agricultural land plot under the territorial authority of Derzhgeocadastr through administrative services at the location of the land. An extract from the technical documentation about the regulatory assessments of land must be published in time not exceeding three working days from the date of receipt of the corresponding application. The introduction of new methodological approach to the standard evaluation of agricultural lands involves the simplification of access of landowners and land users to data evaluation, based on possible continuous evaluation of administrative districts and providing information about the assessment of the particular land plot in the form of extract from the technical documentation of the standard evaluation, which will be determined on the basis of standard evaluation scales of agroindustrial soil groups. This will allow to systematize the process of evaluation, eliminate foreign component in this area and provide the correct audit of agricultural land.


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How to Cite
Опара, В., & Домбровська, О. (1). Features of the standard evaluation of agricultural land in 2017. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (26), 47-50. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pbgok/article/view/9158