The experience of web technologies’ implementation into cartography of the protected areas

  • Іван Олійников Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
  • Олена Сінна Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
  • Оксана Бодня Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
Keywords: mapping, protected areas of Ukraine, Web-technology, GIS


Geoportals and web services containing information about protected territories of different countries of the world are considered, in particular, the analysis of their content, purpose, features of operation, data formats and information that can be obtained with their facilitation. Active development of web technologies contributes to the fact that cartographic web services can be divided into several types: statistical layered maps; Web-maps with the ability to generate queries; Web-maps of collective filling; map-services; cartographic software shells. In the world, when mapping the objects of the nature reserve fund, the first 3 types of cartographic web services are used most often. Statistical map layers are most characteristic of the United States, as they are the first country to integrate web technologies and approaches into classical cartography for mapping of protected areas. For Canada, the experience of regional mapping of protected areas is more widespread than national and local levels. In Australia, particular attention is paid to the mapping of protected areas located on the shores of the oceans and islands. The second category - “Web-maps with the ability to create queries” is the most widespread not only in the field of web mapping of protected areas, but also in general for this area. The development of the volunteer movement contributes to the significant dissemination of services whose thematic content is filled with ordinary people - “Web-maps of collective filling”. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (UK) project, global mapping rojects that are not specific to a particular country or macro region (a series of interactive maps for the dissemination of information on rare species of animals, the Global Forest Watch geoportal designed to track the dynamics of changes in forest areas) are among these mapping services. Web mapping in Ukraine is on the stage of becoming. In addition to the Atlas of the Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine in 2001, data on protected areas can be obtained from a global web service (OpenStreetMap, Googlemaps, etc.), but the information on them is not complete. In the future, the authors of the article plan to develop a web-service of the reserved areas of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Олійников, І., Сінна, О., & Бодня, О. (1). The experience of web technologies’ implementation into cartography of the protected areas. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (26), 39-42. Retrieved from

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