Methods of collecting the phytometric information to create a database of spectrometric and subject-specific characteristics of geosystems
The article deals with methodological basis for the organization and carrying out of field work in the aerospace polygon to collect spectral and ground-based metadata. The methods for gathering phytometric data at the experimental sites and with the route studies of spectral and phytometric characteristics of vegetation have been presented. The work was carried out on the test area of the Kursk aerospace polygon in 2015-2016. The methodology developed on the test area is used at other polygons while collecting ground-based metadata when performing spectrometric research of Earth covers. Collection of the phytometric data and other subject-specific characteristics of the research object, aims to accurately describe the state of the object and the conditions of the shooting. Subject-specific characteristics include: geographical features of the object, the coordinates, description of land cover, climate, weather conditions at the time of shooting. Areas with different vegetation types are allocated at the landfill site. The research routes are arranged to cover the maximum diversity of plant communities. Experimental platforms, on which phytometric measurements take place and samples are collected, are located along the lines of the planned routes. Flight spectral shooting and the route ground-based measurements are taken on the same routes. The information obtained at points and on the routes is processed in laboratory conditions. Metadata in digital form are stored in a database in a specific format. The article proposes an original approach to the creation of a database of spectral and object-specific properties of objects on the Earth’s surface. The storage structure of the spectral and subject-specific geosystems’ characteristics in the database has been highlighted.
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3. Malyshev, V.B., Zhemerova, I.K. (2014). Razrabotka i sozdanie bazy dannyh spektral’nyh i predmetno-specificheskih harakteristik ob”ektov zemnoj poverhnosti [Database development and creation of spectral and subject-specific characteristics of objects on the Earth’s surface]. The problems of continuous geographical education and cartography, 20, 76-80.