Complex «Electronic school» for information support of learning at school and at home on the basis of client-server technology

  • Олександр Барладін ПрАТ «Інститут передових технологій», м. Київ
  • Ігор Бусол ПрАТ «Інститут передових технологій», м. Київ
  • Микола Дубницький ПрАТ «Інститут передових технологій», м. Київ
Keywords: cartography, multimedia teaching tools, geographical education


The article discusses the particularities of the «Electronic school» complex on the basis of an Internet resource as developed by the Institute of Advanced Technologies. The piece analyses the tools of the complex and how it can be used. The functioning of the resource on different devices (PCs, tablets, smartphones) and its compatibility with different operating systems (Windows, Android, iOS and others) are further demonstrated. Given the contemporary global development and the pending need that Ukraine follows the world trends in education, the article stresses the necessity to ensure the availability of PCs at schools and the general access to contemporary information technologies. In this context, it is particularly important to provide the schools with computer programmes and information resources that are contemporary both in content and in form. The article emphasises that Geography, the other natural science courses as well as History, are the subjects that cannot be taught properly without the qualitative accompanying cartographic materials. This applies both to traditional cartographic materials and to digital educational resources such as maps, illustrations, animations, videos, CD-programmes and the geographical information systems. It is also important that the work with digital materials teaches the pupils and teachers to be more independent in their research and to be able to single out the necessary out of the vast masses of information. Such materials further enhance the general level of their computer skills. The article also highlights the importance to ensure access to the online school teaching and studying materials from all over Ukraine and the world. The online cartographic materials on History and Geography have a strong educational and consolidating effect not only on the Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad, but also on the foreigners interested in Ukraine and in different transformation processes happening in the country. This is particularly important today, when Ukraine is struggling for its European future undergoing complicated transformational challenges.


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2. Barladin, O.V., Dacenko, L.M., Parxomenko, G.O. (2001). Elektronni navchal`no-dovidkovi atlasy` dlya shkil ta vuziv [Electronic educational and reference atlases for schools and universities]. Materialy` mizhnarod. nauk.-prakt. konf. GISForum-2001. Ky`yiv.
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How to Cite
Барладін, О., Бусол, І., & Дубницький, М. (1). Complex «Electronic school» for information support of learning at school and at home on the basis of client-server technology. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (26), 8-13. Retrieved from