Significance of ancient maps’ exhibition in the study of cartography history

  • Ростислав Сосса Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», м. Львів
Keywords: ancient maps exhibition, Lviv’s plans and atlases, history of cartography


On the example of the exhibition «Cartographic Exhibitions of Lviv» which presented plans, maps, atlases from the XVII century till present, the importance of such exhibitions for the study of the history of cartography and Ukraine’s territory mapping development is highlighted. Total of 55 plans, maps and atlases published from XVII century till today from Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv Ukrainian National Science Library collections, Ukrainian Central State Historical Archive (Lviv), State Science-Production Enterprise «Kartographia» and private collections were shown. Following maps in historical term, it is possible to trace the ground imaging development, the ways to create maps and to improve methods on the background of the global science, technique and technology development. One may explore the map production establishment, activity of people connected to maps and atlases creation. Short description of Lviv main cartographic works is given in this article. It has been shown that mapping in Lviv is inseparable from the history of society development: changes in the political map, mapping and surveying services depending on the countries Lviv was included in during its history. First known city plans are dated from XVII century, when Lviv was a part of Poland. 1772-1918 – is an Austrian city development period. The Austrian military topography service rightfully belonged to one of the best in Europe at that time. Austrian cartographic achievements of that period represent the golden fund of Galicia mapping. Exhibits reflect the chronological mapping of the city during the Polish interwar period of 1918-1939 yr., in times of the German occupation, Soviet period (1939-19 41, 1944-1991 yr.) and in the period of Ukraine’s independence. Cartographic exhibitions allow to see the original works of the past, a the same time they are an effective tool to study the history of cartography.


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How to Cite
Сосса, Р. (1). Significance of ancient maps’ exhibition in the study of cartography history. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (26), 3-7. Retrieved from