Assessment of historical and cultural heritage in Lubensky district of Poltava region

  • Марина Cторчак Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
  • Оксана Бодня Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
Keywords: historical and cultural heritage, structure of cultural heritage, estimation of cultural heritage


The article assesses available historical and cultural heritage of Lubny district, Poltava region. Among the considered assessment methods of the historical and cultural heritage K. A. Polyvach’s method has been chosen for the study, as it allows to assess the security of an administrative district. According to this method, the provision of rural districts according to the following indicators was carried out: the number of objects and their division into types; concentration of objects calculated on the area of the territory; a modified concentration index. The latter takes into account not only the area, but also the population. The coefficient of objects’ localization, showing the largest number of cultural monuments and the smallest area of rural councils has also been indicated. In Lubensky district, archeological monuments dominate, namely, the fraternal graves and memorial plaques to the fallen heroes of warriors. The disadvantage of this area is the lack of fixed objects of science and technology that would act as a tourist resource. The largest number of historical and cultural heritage objects is concentrated in Vovchytsya, Kalaydenska, Mgarska and Mykhnivska village councils, and the smallest number is in Shershnevsky, Matskiv and Okipsky. In general, it can be said that there are 102 objects in Lubensky area - this is not enough, if you also take into account that their placement is not uniform. In addition to the lowest level of livelihood in Shershnivska, Okipa, Berezivka, Tyshkivska, Vyshchebulatka, Matskivska, Lytvyakivska and Novorikhivska settlement councils there are only monuments of one category, which diminishes their interest among tourists. In the area the most promising for the development of tourism are Mgarska, Vovchytska and Kalaydentsi rural councils, because within them there is an opportunity to build complex tourist routes and, in general, to develop tourist infrastructure, not only because of the large number, but also because of various categories of cultural heritage objects. From the obtained results we can draw the conclusion that in the territorial differentiation of historical and cultural objects in Lubensky district, it is possible to trace visible disproportions in the density of village councils with cultural objects. This distribution is a consequence of the natural and historical factors of this region’s development.


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How to Cite
CторчакМ., & Бодня, О. (1). Assessment of historical and cultural heritage in Lubensky district of Poltava region. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (25), 60-64. Retrieved from

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