Geographical aspect of filling in the land cadastre data

  • Костянтин Прядка Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
Keywords: mapping, land management, land categories, land cadastre, registry


The article gives a detailed analysis of filling in information problems in the cause of land cadastre administration. Modern technology, such as up-to-date survey instruments, satellite position fixing (Global Positioning System – GPS), aerial photography and photogrammetry can offer new possibilities to increase the speed and lower the costs for cadastral reform. Computer technology can usually provide better access to information, better manipulation of cadastral data, better quality, and better legal and physical security. To fully utilize modern technology it is important to have the well-trained personnel and facilities to maintain the equipment. Unfortunately, this infrastructure is not found in many countries, thereby limiting the use of modern technology. The main problems of ensuring interdepartmental exchange of information on land plots are analyzed. Relationship between commercial turnover of land and the intensity of information entry in the register is considered. Particular attention is paid to the availability of a geographical aspect in the problem of information exchange and filling in the registry. General conclusions and world experience in solving similar problems are presented. Lack of legal regulation of cadastral information concerning land plots has been analyzed. Attention was paid to measurements accuracy by comparing current cadastral information and actual land plots’ boundaries. The possibility to introduce measurement uncertainty for the procedure of land plot cadastral information was examined. The author proposed to adopt positive experience of foreign countries’ practice in the field of land survey.


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How to Cite
Прядка, К. (1). Geographical aspect of filling in the land cadastre data. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (25), 50-54. Retrieved from