Methods of map series production for a local social-economic development strategy (a case study of Pesochin urban village)

  • Наталія Попович Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
Keywords: cartography, development, development strategy, map series, local level


The paper aims to study the methods of map series production for a local social-economic development strategy. It has been noted that it is advisable to coordinate the maps subject with the main goals set in the strategy. The author gives the recommendations to choose the means of cartographic representation and geographical basis, in particular. Since maps presented in this strategies may be used by different groups of people (managers, scientists, average citizens), developing the geographical basis, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of maximum completeness. The layout of map series should be carried out considering classical recommendations. The means of cartographic representation for local social-economic development strategies are significantly different from those for supranational, national, regional and municipal strategies. For local strategies maps it is appropriate to choose methods of cartographic symbols, line symbols, isolines, localized diagrams, areas and vectors. Special symbols and map design system elaboration considering global trends such as use of bright colors, visual, pictorial representation have been highlighted. Given that development strategies are often used by non-specialists in the field of cartography, it is extremely important that the developed symbols correspond to the principles of expressiveness and artistry. The author presents the structure, directions of use and sample of cartographic works of map series for «Pesochin Social-Economic Development Strategy for 2017-2020», created at the Department of Physical Geography and Cartography of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in accordance with the given recommendations. The map series includes the following maps: «Geographical position», «Budget-forming sectors», «Medical services», «Accessibility of educational services», «Tourist recreational potential», «Transport network», «Residential functional planning zones», «Development prospects». To control the pace of implementation of the tasks set in the strategy, it is recommended to use cartographic monitoring.


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How to Cite
Попович, Н. (1). Methods of map series production for a local social-economic development strategy (a case study of Pesochin urban village). Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (25), 45-49. Retrieved from