The summary of educational materials on geography lessons with suggestopedic education technology

  • Вікторія Салімон
Keywords: methods of the geography teaching, suggestopedic educational technology, unconventional methods of the geography teaching


The article describes how a generalization principle in educational material can be applied on geography classes with suggestopedic training technology as one of the best ways to remember the information. The author has analyzed the use of a global approach in education, including geography classes. The suggestopedic learning is increasingly gaining momentum due to the intensification of the educational process. Suggestopedia is known as a pedagogical concept of the effective knowledge transfer through unobtrusive intervention into the subconscious in positive and joyful way. Such training allows learners to take a large amount of the information, improving the mental state of learners. Their mental activity is exacerbated in these conditions. Globalization is a special kind of the educational material generalization on the basis of certain patterns of the specific discipline, which involves combining a few topics in one lesson. After analyzing innovative teaching methods, including globalization of the educational material on the lessons of geography with suggestopedic technology training the results of these methods study have been presented, the essence of the use and application of the globalization of educational material on suggestopedic lessons as well as the feasibility of using it in the classroom have been revealed. The article pays attention to the generalization of educational topics from the major psychological patterns of the information perception using globalization of educational material on the lessons of geography with suggestopedic training technology, which in turn makes it possible not only to maintain, but also to develop children’s worldview integrity. The globalization of educational material not only leads to being able to think globally, but also to a global lifestyle, reveals the spare capacity in training and improves memorization and understanding of the studied material. Guidelines for the suggestopedic lesson using globalization of the educational material for the section «Earth on the plan and map» in the general geographic course has been proposed.


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How to Cite
Салімон, В. (1). The summary of educational materials on geography lessons with suggestopedic education technology. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (24), 105-108. Retrieved from