Determination of current wind regime in Kharkiv region

  • Світлана Решетченко
  • Сергій Фоменко
Keywords: atmospheric circulation, wind regime, wind direction, wind speed, baric systems


Mighty changes in the weather conditions have happened recently. It is characterized by sudden cooling and warming, different atmospheric
events on the territory of Ukraine in general, and on the territory of Kharkiv region, in particular. It is known that such weather conditions are connected with changes in large-scale atmospheric circulation which are something like a climate-making force. It is also known that the wind indexes have annual, monthly and daily variations with the established regularity but their seasonal and daily alterability can be perturbed due to any synoptic processes characterized by rough changes in the weather conditions. It has been found out that winter changes in the wind pattern occur due to the prevailing Siberian anticyclone where the east winds are dominating. In summer or spring there is more influence of solar radiation, therefore we can see remaking atmosphere circulation where the Siberian anticyclone is transformed. At this time the Azorian anticyclone gets strong and brings winds from west and north-west. The features of the wind pattern on the territory of Kharkiv region during 2001-2015 have been studied in the paper. The initial data on the wind indexes per month on average were taken from the meteorological stations. Using statistical analysis the common characteristics have been formulated. It is crucial for the distribution of the wind index. The annual variations of wind direction point on the different synoptic processes which are seen on the territory and form the unstable weather conditions. The changeable direction is indicative for the intermediate seasons (spring-autumn) when various weather conditions take place: strengthening of wind, thunderstorm, etc. The summer period has a more calm wind pattern : the barometric maximum has been already fixed and the temperature mode determined. Wind intensification, gustiness can be seen at the beginning of summer (June) when the processes in the atmosphere happen actively owing to the intensification of the radiation factor.


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How to Cite
Решетченко, С., & Фоменко, С. (1). Determination of current wind regime in Kharkiv region. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (24), 100-105. Retrieved from