Problem aspects of field mapping data collection for the needs of forest management

  • Костянтин Прядка
Keywords: mapping, forest managing, forestry surveying, surveying instruments, GNSS


Forestry is complex, dynamic, and multidimensional. We must meet the needs of the forest as well as the pressures of economic efficiency. GIS technology profoundly and positively impacts the way land managers, timber managers, and forestry specialists manage timber resources. GIS can help us understand forest science, economics, and social principles. Editing paper maps is quite difficult, especially in the middle of a forest. Staff working in the field used to bring along paper documents, notepads, and cameras. It could take hundreds of hours to complete the fieldwork for a forest. GIS provides much more information than simple paper maps. Hence, the Forestry department has to start exploring the use of online apps. Maps created with GIS technologies can include data about the owners, forest cover, economic plans, timber harvesting, forest age, and other information. The article gives a detailed analysis of modern requirements to mapping for the needs of forest management. Existing ways of geospatial data collection and their limitations have been analyzed. Much attention is given to most probable technical means of this kind of information collection, final accuracy of the data in case of using those technical means has been analyzed. Based on the findings, the paper proposes ways to increase accuracy of data collection.


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How to Cite
Прядка, К. (1). Problem aspects of field mapping data collection for the needs of forest management. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (24), 95-99. Retrieved from