Antropogenic landscapes in Kharkiv region: information and sightseeing material for knowledge of environment in geographical education

  • Людмила Поліщук
  • Анна Мороз
  • Руслан Кравченко
Keywords: geographic education, human impact, natural landscapes, excursions, examples of anthropogenic landscapes


The article is devoted to development of information material for the study of anthropogenic landscapes in Kharkiv region in the school course in Geography. Analysis of the State Standard of complete secondary education and school programs of Ukraine has showed that the features of transformation natural landscapes given in school geographical education are insufficient. In present-day natural science education it is important not only to expand educational material and increase its complexity but also to deepen the knowledge through disclosure of connections and relationships. This especially applies to geography, the content of which consists of a number of knowledge systems being formed within several courses. Thus, the focus should be directed on development of ideas about the unity of nature, indissolubility of all the components of nature, laws and mechanisms of anthropogenic impacts on the constituents of biosphere, and through them to the biosphere as a whole. Formation of a holistic image of nature begins from the study of real natural objects of the native locality (city, district, region), which allows to understand global laws and processes. Based on informational development about anthropogenic landscapes in Kharkiv region, the authors offered promising areas of work with students in the mode of excursions. Information about anthropogenic landscapes of Kharkiv region is important for visual use in obtaining knowledge about them in the geographical education and will provide attraction of students to practical research activities of study about anthropogenic landscapes. This approach will allow the students to form a spatial idea, and consciously navigate in the social and economic, social and political and environmental problems of the state and its region.


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1. Derzhavny`j standart bazovoyi i povnoyi seredn`oyi osvity` [The State standard of basic and full secondary education]. Available at: derzhstandart/derjstandart.doc
2. Ekologichny`j pasport regionu. Xarkivs`ka oblast` [The ecological passport of the region. Kharkiv region]. Avaiable at:
3. Mil’kov, F.N. (1973). Chelovek i landshafty [Man and landscapes]. Moskva: Mysl’, 224.
4. Polishhuk, L.B., Karpov, V.G. (1993). Landshafty`[Landscapes]. Xarkivs`ka oblast`: shkil`no-krayeznavchy`j atlas. – Ky’yiv: GUGKK, 19.
How to Cite
Поліщук, Л., Мороз, А., & Кравченко, Р. (1). Antropogenic landscapes in Kharkiv region: information and sightseeing material for knowledge of environment in geographical education. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (24), 87-90. Retrieved from