Ecological and geographical study of administrative district surface water as a direction of students’ research

  • Оксана Перхач
  • Мар’яна Гамоняк
Keywords: ecological geography, surface water, rivers, water basin, administrative raion


The peculiarities of ecologo-geographical study of surface water from lower administrative region are analyzed as one of the directions in Bachelor’s studies. The administrative low Stryi district in Lviv region is investigated. The main scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on ecologo-geographical researches of surface water have been considered. The structure of research is taken into account. Natural geographical and hydrological conditions of Stryi district in Lviv region are characterized. The list of rivers and river basins of Stryi district which represent its river system is presented. The river system of presented territory and the main river Stryi are analyzed. Qualitative characteristics of water are presented according to norms about their use as potable water. Hydrogeographical and ecological problems of presented region are determined. The main directions of work with protection of water basin in Stryi district are offered: reconstruction of the existing systems of collection and cleaning of winter sewerage, intensification of fight against water loss in big human settlements, repair and substitution of water systems, inculcation of control schemes about the conditions of water systems, use of new methods and technologies to clean wastewater, creation of coastal protective strips.


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1. Vy`shnevs`ky`j, V.I., Kosovecz`, O.O. (2003). Gidrologichni xaraktery`sty`ky` richok Ukrayiny` [Hydrological characteristics of rivers of Ukraine]. Ky`yiv: Nika-Centr, 324.
2. Ky`ry`lyuk, M.I. (2001). Vodny`j balans i yakisny`j stan vodny`x resursiv Ukrayins`ky`x Karpat [Water balance and quality status of water resources in the Ukrainian Carpathians]. Chernivtsi: Ruta, 248.
3. Kukurudza, S.I., Perxach, O.R. (2009). Vy`kory`stannya ta oxorona vodny`x resursiv: [The use and protection of water resources]: Navch. рosib. L`viv: LNU im. I. Franka, 304.
4. Kuly`k, V.I. (2011) Poperednij zvit po obstezhennyu vodonosnogo gory`zontu Stry`js`kogo rodovy`shha prisny`x pidzemny`x vod (Semy`gy`nivs`ka dilyanka) z metoyu rozrobky` kompleksu zaxodiv yix oxorony` v 2011 r. [Preliminary report on the survey of the aquifer of Stryi deposits of fresh underground waters (Siemiginowska plot) to develop measures for their protection in 2011]. L`viv: LGRE, 78.
5. Levkivs`ky`j, S.S., Padun, M.M. (2006). Racional`ne vy`kory`stannya i oxorona vodny`x resursiv [Rational use and protection of water resources]. Ky`yiv: Ly`bid`, 280.
6. Padalko, G.M. (1969). Otchjot o rezul’tatah detal’noj razvedki vod alljuvial’nyh otlozhenij doliny r. Stryj dlja vodosnabzhenija juzhnoj gruppy gorodov L’vovskoj obl. (1968-69 gg.) [Report on the results of detailed exploration of alluvial water deposits of the river Stryi valley for water supply of the southern group of towns in Lviv region (1968-69)]. Kiev, 75.
How to Cite
Перхач, О., & Гамоняк, М. (1). Ecological and geographical study of administrative district surface water as a direction of students’ research. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (24), 84-87. Retrieved from