Using toponymic knowledge in the practical part of the special course «Cartographic method of research»

  • Вікторія Машкіна
  • Євгеній Рубашенко
Keywords: toponymic knowledge, practical work, astionym, cartographic method of research


This article describes the use of toponymic information in the teaching of geographical subjects. The article contains the methodological toponymic database, which include the following methods: mapping, contrast, spatial analysis, systematic approach, statistical, historical, and geoinformational and the method of synthesis. The main place in the article is devoted to the use of cartographic method of research in the framework of a special course «Cartographic method of research» at the Department of Physical Geography and Cartography of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. In the practical part of the special course, a class was chosen for which practical work on the topic «Determination of the number of astionyms by regions of Ukraine, and their classification» was designed and approved in the framework of practical training. Astionym – is the name of a city. Practical work consists of actual counting of astionyms in one of the administrative-territorial units of Ukraine (in a region). Then, these astionyms were classified into the following classes: anthroponymic, symbolic and ideological, sacred, ethnic, socio-economic, physical-geographic. In addition, one class was separately allocated – as the names of some cities were not possible to classify due to their vague origin. The results and key errors during the practical work were analyzed. Analyzing the work of students, the authors identified the need to use the toponymic knowledge during the practical training of students, because the problem arises in the classification of each astionym and identification of a decisive factor in the formation of the city’s name. The problem also arose because of the confusion between oikonyms and astionyms, which was directly related to the problem of students separately distinguishing cities and towns.


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How to Cite
Машкіна, В., & Рубашенко, Є. (1). Using toponymic knowledge in the practical part of the special course «Cartographic method of research». Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (24), 74-77. Retrieved from