Continuity of practices in the preparation of the students in the specialty «Geoecology»

  • Елена Галай
Keywords: geoecology, training practices, professional competence, academic competence


The continuity of different internships at Belarussian State University, Geographical department, Geoecological specialisation is observed in the article. The students do field training (topographical, meteorological, geomorphological, hydrological, etc.) during the 1st and 2nd years at the geographical station «Zapadnaya Berezina» in Volozhinsk district, Minsk region. They examine not only separate natural constituents, but also natural complexes. During the landscape-ecological field training the students estimate human impact and relative stability of the landscape on the natural boundary. Environmental technologic training is various: students master and independently apply the techniques of complex geoecological research of local natural economic geosystems, study geoecological basis of technological processes of manufacturing, determine important ecological aspects of enterprise activities. Pollutant emission into the open air is one of the most important ecological aspects. Students take into account a danger factor of an enterprise, examine emission sources and analyze their temporary variations. When students analyze sewage, they pay attention to substance release, its physicochemical composition and sewage works. Students also deal with different kinds of waste products and their volume, their recycling. Air, water, waste, etc. statistic report forms are given to the students for defining the impact of enterprises on the environment. The importance of school practice is underlined in the article. Moreover, the graduates of the department work at schools, lyceums, colleges, universities. Externship is also discussed in the article as it is aimed at creation of professional competence. The students do an internship in the committees and inspections of the Ministry of natural resources and environment protection, national parks and wildlife reserves, scientific research laboratories of «Landscape ecology», «Limnology», Institute of natural resources management, etc. at Belarusian State University. The variation of internships is discussed in the article. It is dedicated to the geoecological evaluation of some natural resources (aquatic, land, etc.) and the state of environment in some administrative districts and physiographic regions, the quality of urban environment, and also to the geoecological estimation of tourism development within different administrative units. Conclusion. Thus, a well-represented continuity of different internships at Geographical department of Belarusian State University is an important element of highly-qualified specialist training in the field of the environment and rational management of natural resources. Different types of trainings help to form academic and professional competence of future specialists.


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How to Cite
Галай, Е. (1). Continuity of practices in the preparation of the students in the specialty «Geoecology». Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (24), 21-25. Retrieved from