Chronological, spatial, regulatory and financial aspects of conducting training practices in Transnistrian state university

  • Михаил Бурла
Keywords: distant complex practice, financial constraints, the Schengen area, the conflict regions


The article discusses the features of the educational practices with the students enrolled in the direction of «geography» of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The problems are associated with the organization and conduct of practices at the present stage, among which are: regulatory constraints (lack of passports, travel documents for vehicles), financial constraints, military and political processes, the financial and currency crisis of 2015 in Transnistria, no final international political and legal status of Transnistria, and others. The measures to address the identified problems: timely execution of foreign passports, finding sponsors willing to finance part of the costs related to the practices; increase in the share of self-financing; conclusion of agreements with foreign universities on exchange of students, trainees; utilization of charitable funds and grants; inclusion of the Transnistrian University in an international program of the European Union on the interuniversity interaction «ERASMUS»; the use of the potential for the study programs of the European Union countries (e. g, programs, short-term accommodation of foreign students in families).


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1. Burla, M.P. (2000). Koncepcija geograficheskogo obrazovanija v obshheobrazovatel’nyh uchebnyh zavedenijah PMR na 2000-2005 gg. [The concept of geographical education in secondary education TMR for 2000-2005]. Pedagogical Bulletin of
Transnistria, 3, 23-35.
2. Burla. M.P., Burla, O.N. (2012). Politicheskaja, jekonomicheskaja i social’naja geografija. Obshhaja harakteristika mira [Political, economic and social geography. General characteristics of the world]. Tiraspol’: PGIRO, 462.
3. Burla, M.P., Burla, O.N., Lysenko, O.Z., Sukhinin, S.A. (compilers) (2006). Programma po geografii dlja obshheobrazovatel’nyh uchrezhdenij (6-11 klassy). [Geography Program for educational institutions (6-11 grades)]. Tiraspol’: GIPK, 96.
How to Cite
Бурла, М. (1). Chronological, spatial, regulatory and financial aspects of conducting training practices in Transnistrian state university. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (24), 13-16. Retrieved from