The agrarian landscapes mapping under the territorial erosion distribution

  • В. В. Тишковець
  • В. М. Опара
Keywords: soil erosion, anti-erosion organization of territory, agrarian landscapes, mapping


The problems of agrarian landscapes mapping in conditions of soil erosion prevalence and anti -erosion organization of agrarian landscapes of Ukraine during market changes of land-property relations have been revealed. The main ways of land organization optimization of the erosion and erosion-dangerous agrarian landscapes of the country have been determined. The questions of mapping of such lands have been examined, the specificity of this process under the conditions of intensive formation of new land ownerships and land uses has been determined. Recommendations as to the maintenance of the mapping process of agrarian landscapes of Ukraine with the aim of future use of these materials for ecological-economical needs of the society have been developed.


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How to Cite
Тишковець, В. В., & Опара, В. М. (1). The agrarian landscapes mapping under the territorial erosion distribution. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (22), 130-133. Retrieved from