Geographical analysis and mapping of structural changes in export-import of goods in Ukraine

  • І. М. Суматохіна
  • В. С. Завгородня
  • Н. М. Дук
Keywords: geographic structure of export and import, commodity structure of exports and imports, mapping


The article is devoted to the geographical study and mapping of trends and changes in exports and imports of goods in Ukraine over the past ten years. Graphical and cartographic models of structural changes in export and import of goods have been developed. Their features at the present stage of reorientation of Ukrainian foreign trade to the EU market and other countries have been considered.


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How to Cite
Суматохіна, І. М., Завгородня, В. С., & Дук, Н. М. (1). Geographical analysis and mapping of structural changes in export-import of goods in Ukraine. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (22), 125-129. Retrieved from