The use of automation in geodesic survey by estimating the volumes of the objects

  • А. Н. Полуянова
Keywords: volume, arithmetic average method, automation, VBA, geodesic survey


This article explores the method of the arithmetical average using the Visual Basic for Applications programming language in Microsoft Office in estimation of the volumes of the objects on topographic maps. The method based on the software product allows to calculate the volume of any object on topographic maps by dividing it into figures with two bases under condition of manual input of the coordinates of the top points of the bases. This method can be widely applied in geodesic, cadastral, hydrographic and other works, when a problem of the estimation the volumes of objects occurs. The proposed method allows to obtain accurate results in a short time, which is very important in studying process and production.


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How to Cite
Полуянова, А. Н. (1). The use of automation in geodesic survey by estimating the volumes of the objects. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (21), 54-58. Retrieved from