Representation of information about natural factors of public health in decision support systems (on the example of medical-ecological atlas of the Bryansk region)

  • Г. В. Лобанов
  • О. П. Москаленко
  • Е. Л. Ковалёва
  • А. П. Ужакина
  • А. Ю. Зверева
  • Б. В. Тришкин
  • М. В. Коханько
  • А. В. Полякова
Keywords: decision support system, GIS, medical-ecological atlas, assessment maps


The article considers the possibility of using medical-ecological maps as an information resource for decision support in healthcare. Specificity of natural conditions mapping as a factor of public health by using specialized software is defined. Indicators of the level of living conditions comfort based on nature specific conditions in the Bryansk region are developed. The variations of the content and layout of maps of assessment of climatic conditions, quality of water sources, soils, land and complex living conditions of population of the region are justified. Features of the distribution of indices of the comfort of environment and overall morbidity are composed; the territorial differences of the significance of natural factors of health are described.


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How to Cite
Лобанов, Г. В., Москаленко, О. П., Ковалёва, Е. Л., Ужакина, А. П., Зверева, А. Ю., Тришкин, Б. В., Коханько, М. В., & Полякова, А. В. (1). Representation of information about natural factors of public health in decision support systems (on the example of medical-ecological atlas of the Bryansk region). Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (21), 36-41. Retrieved from