High-scale thematic mapping of the Veslovsky peninsula (Kunashir island) based on field surveys

  • В. И. Гаврилова
  • М. Ю. Грищенко
  • А. М. Карпачевский
  • А. Ю. Киселёва
  • Г. М. Леонова
Keywords: soil maps, landscape maps, high-scale thematic maps, field landscape surveys, Kunashir island


Currently, high-scale field surveys-based thematic mapping is not very widespread, though it provides detailed and accurate information about the study area, presented in a representative cartographic form. In this paper, authors built the soil map and landscape map of the Veslovsky peninsula (Kunashir island, the Kuril islands) based on field surveys in summer of 2014. The Veslovsky peninsula is located in the buffer zone of the Kuril nature reserve. The maps provide detailed information on the soil cover and landscape differentiation of the study area.


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How to Cite
Гаврилова, В. И., Грищенко, М. Ю., Карпачевский, А. М., Киселёва, А. Ю., & Леонова, Г. М. (1). High-scale thematic mapping of the Veslovsky peninsula (Kunashir island) based on field surveys. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (21), 22-27. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pbgok/article/view/3799