Research of erosion-accumulative processes of the rivers of the ukrainian carpathians based on GIS technologies and the author’s program module
The article presents a computer modelling methodology in research of erosion-accumulative processes of the Ukrainian Carpathian rivers. The research demonstrates that erosion-accumulative activity of streams is reflected in the longitudinal profile of the valley grounds. The model of stream erosion-accumulation is performed by means of algorithmic language C ++ in the environment of MS Visual Studio 2012 Express with the use of open graphic library OpenGL. The program requires the following input data: the quantity of gentle slopes and their geometry, center rate of flow on a horizontal field, and values of critical speed. According to SRTM, longitude profiles of the main valleys of the rivers of the Ukrainian Carpathians were presented in ArcGIS, and in the author’s program module that displayed the fields of erosion-accumulative processes along the valleys. This research based on computer models confirmed that the erosive operation of temporary streams and small rivers with an abrupt longitudinal slope of the valleys is the most active. The valleys of the center and big rivers with bent profile accumulate the particles that are brought from upper fields and then evenly distributed along the profile. The valleys with a concave-convex profile are influenced by erosion in the upper parts, then after some accumulation, the particles are brought and deposited in lowlands of a waterway.
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