Cases of mass distribution of wet snow deposits DP (dangerous phenomena) and SHP (spontaneous phenomena) categories in the territory of Ukraine during certain decades in the period 1991-2020

Keywords: the territory of Ukraine, cases of wet snow sticking in the categories of DP (dangerous phenomena) and SHP (spontaneous phenomena), recurrence of cases of sticking wet snow in the category DP (dangerous phenomena) and SHP (spontaneous phenomena)


The article studies mass distribution of cases of wet snow deposits formation of the DP (dangerous phenomena) and SHP (spontaneous phenomena) categories on the territory of Ukraine during the cold period of the year and certain months of the transitional seasons in separate decades of the period 1991-2020. As a case study, we used the observation period of mass distribution of wet snow on 1 date at no less than 2 regions, and for cases of mass deposits of wet snow of the category DP or SHP from 1 day to several days in a row in the territory of at least 2 regions.

Materials and methods. The research used the materials of instrumental observations on the wires of a standard ice machine at all meteorological stations of Ukraine for the last thirty years. We show the distribution of such cases by individual months and years of the specified periods and determine their recurrence. The main research method is the empirical-statistical method.

The purpose of the study. Currently, an unresolved issue in the distribution of dangerous and spontaneous manifestations of ice-frost deposits is their modern manifestation on the territory of Ukraine at the current stage of climate change and the establishment of trends in their territorial distribution. The purpose of the study is to determine distribution features in cases of mass accumulation of sea snow on the territory of Ukraine at the current stage of climate change.

The main results of the study. We established a tendency showing that the largest deposits of wet snow sticking of the DP (dangerous phenomena) category was in the second and third decades of the studied period. In the months of the cold period, such cases are mostly in January and December, somewhat less in February and November. In spring (April) and mid-autumn (October), the number of such cases is insignificant and does not exceed 2-4 cases, but during 2001-2010, their number decreased to one case in each of these months. We noticed that in the second decade (2001-2010), the number of wet snow deposits increased significantly in February and March, but decreased in April and October, compared to the other two decades. Cases of sleet deposits of the SHP (spontaneous phenomena)) category were in all studied decades. They were mainly in the winter months, mostly in January, February and December, but did not occur in October. In April, there was only one case of such deposits 2011-2020. A trend established a certain increase in the number of cases of wet snow deposits in the territory of Ukraine for the last two decades compared to the first decade.


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Author Biography

Svitlana Pyasetska, Central geophysical observatory named after Boris Sreznevsky

PD of geogr. Sciences, II category aerologist


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How to Cite
Pyasetska, S. (2023). Cases of mass distribution of wet snow deposits DP (dangerous phenomena) and SHP (spontaneous phenomena) categories in the territory of Ukraine during certain decades in the period 1991-2020. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (37), 22-36.