Methodological bases of regional diagnostics as an applied direction in socio-economic geography

Keywords: region, regional diagnostics, socio-economic geography, research methods, methodology, socio-economic development


The purpose of this article is to consider regional diagnostics as a relatively new direction in modern socio-economic geography, revealing its theoretical and methodological foundations – the essence, structure, methods, approaches, and meaning. Main material is devoted to the analysis of the essence of regional diagnostics, highlighting its tasks and thematic blocks (sections), determining their structural and methodological relationships. Special attention is given to three groups of methods used in the diagnostic features of socio-economic development of the region – economic-statistical, sociological and graphic. Complex application of these methods allows us to display in a fairly complete form the spatial features of the socio-economic development of the region. They are the information basis for the regional policy in the development and implementation of programs, forecasts, concepts and strategies for the development of regions aimed at leveling their problem situations, improving the level and quality of life of society. Conclusions and further research. Diagnostics of socio-economic development can be considered an analytical research technology formed at the intersection of regional economy and socio-economic geography, associated with the identification of the state and level of development of the population and economy of the region. Based on a set of qualitative features and quantitative indicators, it is designed to identify and describe the specifics of the territory under considera tion, comparing it with other regions of the country. Regional diagnostics is of great applied importance, because using a variety of research methods, it determines the level of the territory development, identifies its problem areas, used for further development and implementation of necessary measures aimed at achieving the most optimal options for the development of the region in the near future, taking into account the available resources, prerequisites and factors. Prospects for further research in this subject area are associated with the construction of a universal system of indicators that will take into account the main features of the region to the most appropriate and valid extent.


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Author Biography

Sergey Alexandrovich Sukhinin, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don)

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Sukhinin, S. A. (2021). Methodological bases of regional diagnostics as an applied direction in socio-economic geography. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (32), 81-88.