Mapping of Ukraine’s international relations during the Ukrainian revolution (1917-1921)

Keywords: historical maps, Ukrainian revolution stages, international relations mapping, map series «Ukrainian revolution. 1917-1921», political map


As part of the 100th anniversary celebration of the events of the Ukrainian revolution, a series of historical reference maps «Ukrainian revolution. 1917-1921» have been developed.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the mapping features of origin and formation of the national diplomatic service; disclose the state of international relations of the independent state of Ukraine at all stages of the events in 1917-1921 in a series of historical reference maps «Ukrainian revolution. 1917-1921»; justify the choice of mapping indicators and symbols.
Main material. As part of the events devoted to the Ukrainian revolution’s 100th anniversary, a series of historical reference maps «The Ukrainian revolution. 1917-1921» has been developed. The series consists of four editions: «Ukrainian Central Rada», «Ukrainian State (Hetmanate)», «Western Ukrainian People’s Republic», and «Directory», covering the main stages of the Ukrainian revolution development. The maps of the series show different aspects of revolutionary events and national state formation - political forces, military action, international relations, science, education, culture, etc. The maps are popular scientific publications for educational purposes. They contain wide textual and illustrative materials in addition to cartographic images.
The article highlights the national diplomatic service’s formation and beginning of mapping features, which is implemented on the maps of this series. Individual maps for each of the four stages of the revolution show the international relations and diplomacy status of the young Ukrainian state: international agreements and treaties, diplomatic representation (embassies, consulates, diplomatic missions), and more. The content of international relations and diplomacy maps, their designing features are presented, the mapping indicators and symbols choice is justified. The thematic content of maps is shown on the political maps of Europe and America. The cartographic method of information transfer made it possible to display the typing of countries on the map which have different types according to the historical situation on different maps. The map «Ukrainian State (Hetmanate)» shows the location of foreign diplomatic institutions on the Ukraine capital’s plan, which is a certain evidence of the Ukrainian State’s stability during the kaleidoscope events of Ukrainian revolution.
Conclusions. Thus, the series of maps «Ukrainian revolution. 1917-1921» refl ects the formation of Ukrainian national diplomacy at all stages of the Ukrainian revolution. Cartographic images revealed information about the fi rst steps in the development of the diplomatic service of Ukraine. Separate maps for each of the four stages of the revolution show the state of international relations and diplomacy of the young Ukrainian State. Features of designing the maps content are considered, mapping and symbols indicators used to create cartographic works of such subjects, are substantiated.


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Author Biography

Rostyslav Ivanovych Sossa, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Sciences, Geography, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Cartography and Geospatial Modelling


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How to Cite
Sossa, R. I. (2019). Mapping of Ukraine’s international relations during the Ukrainian revolution (1917-1921). Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (30), 102-107.