Attraction of web technologies for monitoring the current state of the settlement council’s (territorial community) land fund

Keywords: web mapping, land use, village council, territorial communities, land fund, interactive map


The purpose of this article is to formulate practical recommendations for the use of web technologies, such as Google Earth or Google Maps, for creating land council web maps (based on example Bezlyudivka Village Council of Kharkiv region), which provides information on the structure of land, its intended purpose and the possibility to implement public on-line monitoring of existing manifestations of irrational land use, dynamics of spreading adverse processes of natural and anthropogenic origin within the village council (territorial community).
The main material. The territory of the village council (territorial community) is the initial link to collecting and organizing information about the land fund in Ukraine, including data about their composition, intended purpose, land use, etc. Nevertheless, reporting information is usually presented in tabular form and is o???? en unavailable for public use. At the same time, available public web resources, such as the Public cadastral map, the yearbook «Monitoring of land relations in Ukraine», the portal, portals of the city (town) planning cadastre, etc., do not contain interactive web-maps monitoring the land use within village councils (territorial communities).
Such maps should, first of all, include: 1) a map of the distribution of different intended purpose lands within the village council’s (territorial community) territory, 2) a distribution map of some adverse processes both with natural and anthropogenic purpose. This kind of maps is a prerequisite to monitoring, including public, detection of the facts of land use not for the intended purpose, monitoring of the spread adverse phenomena and processes, both of natural - erosion, flooding and anthropogenic origin, such as pollution, rubbish dump place, etc.
In the framework of our study such maps were made for the Bezlyudivka settlement council of Kharkiv region. The first map is «Intended purpose of the Bezlyudivka settlement council’s lands». The second map is «Spread of unfavorable processes of natural and anthropogenic origin in the territory of Bezlyudivka settlement council». Using Google Earth or Google Maps geoservices as a platform, containing space imagery across the entire country, will allow us to draw such maps for other village councils (territorial community), collated and compared with each other. In case of changes in the territorial structure - relatively quickly make the necessary changes and add-ons. To make search for the required web map data easier and establish the information interaction between public activists and relevant civil servants, it is advisable to place links to these web resources on the official site of the village council (territorial community).
Conclusions and further research. Creation of web-maps of the village council’s (territorial community) territory on the basis of geo-services Google Earth or Google Maps will allow us: a) to create a public web-resource containing systematic information about the land fund of the village council’s territory and features of its use; b) to conduct public online monitoring of land use according to their intended purpose, monitoring manifestations of irrational land use, spread of adverse natural processes, etc.; c) promote the transparency of priority tasks of land use within a separate base council that need immediate resolution.
Perspective is to expand the list of web maps including the soil pollution maps, maps of detected land use violation, in particular, cases of unauthorized seizure or inappropriate use of land, removal of the fertile layer without permission, contamination of land, violations of land reclamation.


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Author Biography

Natalia Oleksandrivna Bubyr, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Geography and Cartography.


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Shhorichny`k «Monitory`ng zemel`ny`x vidnosy`n v Ukrayini 2016–2017» [Yearbook «Monitoring of Land Relations in Ukraine 2016–2017»]. Available at:

EOS Crop Monitoring: yak pidvy`shhy`ty` efekty`vnist` agrobiznesu za dopomogoyu suputny`kovy`x dany`x [EOS Crop Monitoring: How to Improve the Efficiency of Agribusiness Using the Satellite Data]. Available at:

How to Cite
Bubyr, N. O. (2019). Attraction of web technologies for monitoring the current state of the settlement council’s (territorial community) land fund. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (30), 15-22.