Key geographical constants of Rivne region

Keywords: key geographical constants, territory, Rivne region, cartographic materials, accuracy of values, coordinate system


The purpose of this article. Geographical constants are the quantitative values of the main characteristics of a territory, which give an idea of its location, integrity, spatial certainty and information about its components. The main ones traditionally are the territory, perimeter, coordinates of the extreme points, height of the highest and lowest points, the geographical center. They must be reliable and unambiguous, since they perform important universal and specific functions. The currently known values of the geographic constants of Rivne region are not sufficiently accurate and outdated. According to the known sources, the area of the region is up to 1 km2 (at best), the perimeter is up to 1 km, the coordinates of the points are up to 1ʹ, the height of the points is up to 1 m.

The main material. To obtain more reliable values of geographic constants, we used more accurate cartographic materials (scale 1: 10 000) and modern so???? ware (Digitals, AutoCad 2008, Excel). The total number of digitized points along the perimeter of the oblast was 9708. Such a number of points is sufficient for our work. The values of the main geographical constants were obtained with an accuracy: the area of the region is up to 0.1 km2, the perimeter is up to 0.1 km, the coordinates of the points are up to 0.1ʹ (in two systems: Pulkovo-1942 and WGS-84), the height of the points is up to 0.1 m. Behind the known formulae, an estimate of the accuracy of the results of calculations has been performed. The location of the key geographical constants of the territory of Rivne region is shown on the map. Following the compiled tables, a comparative analysis of the old and the new values of the main geographic characteristics was conducted. The largest differences relate to the perimeter of the territory (1080 km and 1204.8 km), the coordinates of the extreme western and eastern points (approximately 5ʹ in geographic longitude), coordinates of the geographical center (slightly more than 2ʹ in geographical latitude).

Conclusions and further research. On the basis of the performed researches new and more accurate values of the main geographical constants of the territory of the Rivne region have already been obtained. The analysis of the well-known domestic publications from the aforementioned topics for similar administrative-territorial entities did not show such high accuracy of the results. Since such data are an integral part of the geographical characteristics of the territory, they have the right to be used in official statistics, cartographic, reference, scientific and educational publications.


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Author Biographies

Serhii Mykolayovych Ostapchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (Rivne)

Candidate of Sciences (Techniques), Associate Professor of the Department of Geodesy and Cartography

Roman Sviatoslavovych Nemkovych, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (Rivne)

Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Geodesy and Cartography


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How to Cite
Ostapchuk, S. M., & Nemkovych, R. S. (2019). Key geographical constants of Rivne region. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (29), 64-70.