Analysis of society’s spatial organization’s factors as a tool to increase effectiveness of geographical education and the applied role of geography

Keywords: national economy, spatial development, regional diagnostics, socio-economic development, strategic management, territorial development, factor


The purpose of this article. The article defines the development factors of natural, demographic, political, economic and social systems. Variants of factors classification by various criteria are stated. Assessment of features and consequences of separate factors’ influence on the territorial organization and development of economy is given. The main material. The main attention is paid to the analysis of spatial factors, as well as to scientific and technical progress. Types of geographical location and subspecies of the economic and geographical situation are considered. The main features and directions of scientific and technological progress, consequences of the scientific and technological revolution in production and the service sector are outlined. Among the main consequences of the scientific and technological revolution impact are: automation, creation of new materials, computerization, creation of global networks. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the negative consequences of scientific and technological progress. The classification of activities according to the leading factor of territorial organization is given, as well as corresponding examples. The increase in the influence of military and political factors, both on the development of the economies of individual countries as a whole, and on the system of international economic relations, is noted. It is emphasized that the spatial organization of the economy is constantly becoming more complex under the influence of new factors. Conclusions and further research. The necessity to study the totality of the factors under consideration in the system of general and higher geographic education is substantiated. It is suggested that they be taken into account when implementing programs for socioeconomic development of regions and countries. It is noted that in assessing the direction and the degree of individual factors’ influence, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the territory - the size, configuration, location of the population and economic objects, the level of infrastructure development, coordination of management decisions.


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Author Biography

Olga Burla, Shevchenko Transnistria State University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite
Burla, O. (2018). Analysis of society’s spatial organization’s factors as a tool to increase effectiveness of geographical education and the applied role of geography. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (28), 18-25.