Constructive and geographical basis of the viticulture development in the North-Eastern foreststeppe region of Ukraine

Keywords: constructive geography, agroclimatology, agroclimatic zoning, scientific forecasting, types of weather complexes, the sum of active temperatures, growing, growing season, phase of grapes development


The article is devoted to constructive-geographical research of the bases of viticulture development in the North-Eastern foreststeppe region of Ukraine by conducting microclimatic and phenological observations, disclosing and substantiating their role in practical activities. The constructive and geographical approach has been used for solving the problem of distribution and commercial cultivation of grapes in Ukraine. This approach forms an important basis for the theory and practice of cultivation areas expansion of heat-loving crops, in particular grapes, atypical for the forest-steppe region. The paper reveals features of natural conditions of the North-Eastern forest-steppe region of Ukraine. Based on years of meteorological and phenological observations the possibility to develop viticulture in these conditions has been proved. Using the long-term observations data of the influence of the agrometeorological conditions on the course of the growing season and quality of grapes produces positive results. For the first time influence of weather types and microclimate characteristics of weather in the forest-steppe region on the individual phases of grapes development have been shown. New approaches have been applied to the study of grapes development phases and distribution of the sum of temperatures for each phase particularly. Ways of science-based weather and climate events forecasting have been improved in grapes cultivation and the importance of this when planning harvests. The author developed a forecast variation, projecting recommendations for the successful development of viticulture in Ukraine. The main results of phenological observations have been summarized; their combination with instrumental made it possible to study the processes of heat transfer during the growing season from early phases in stones development of such plants as apricot and cherry, which are the plants-indicators in the study region. The algorithm for determining yield of grapes in the North-Eastern forest-steppe region of Ukraine has been proposed. Forecast variations, projecting recommendations for the successful development of viticulture as well as general recommendations on cultivating this culture in the region have been developed.


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Author Biography

Boris Shulika, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geography), Senior lecturer


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How to Cite
Shulika, B. (2018). Constructive and geographical basis of the viticulture development in the North-Eastern foreststeppe region of Ukraine. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (27), 73-81.