Distance training of geography teachers in the context of educational reform

Keywords: distance course, continuous geographical education, geography teachers’ qualifications improvement


In the system of continuous geographical education, upgrading teachers’ professional skills plays an important role. Acquaintance with modern tendencies of educational technology and constant normative-legislative and methodical changes form a permanent basis for training and self-improvement of teachers. Since 2016 V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, in addition to specialists training, has been offering teachers’ qualifications improvement in the form of part-time classes, at the courses for teachers of general educational establishments of different types and forms of ownership in Kharkiv region in the study field «Geography. Geography of Ukraine». The purpose of the article is to analyze the organization of distance learning of geography teachers within the framework of teacher training courses. The main material. The program of training courses for geography teachers involves consideration of educational problems, features
of teaching geography on various programs and courses, specialized training, courses for gifted children. High efficiency of the training is assured by the implementation of both invariant and variant components. The thematic plan is designed for 210 hours (7 credits). According to the curriculum, distance learning relates to the professional unit. During the on-site classes, teachers obtain basic knowledge, which is furthered with the distance course «Geography for Teachers», designed for 120 academic hours. The course «Geography for Teachers» is based on the Moodle platform designed to support distance learning. It contains such structural elements as glossary, tasks, resources, tests, a forum, a chat and consists of 12 information packs. Digital online classes take place within 4 weeks, which includes independent online study. This stage for teachers finishes with preparing and presenting the paper (implementation of the practical task) and taking the test. During this period, course participants can get a personal tutorial in the chat or the forum. It is important to maintain feedback from teachers because they work during the learning process due to the lack of time. Each of them
has the opportunity to work with the distance course and get a tutorial in their free time. The distance course «Geography for Teachers» has been repeatedly tested by groups of teachers who were upgrading their qualification and has been improved with every comment or suggestion. The course has got the certificate of recognition as an educational and methodical work. Conclusions. To sum up, the usage of the distance course «Geography for Teachers» as a form of continuous geographical education certainly has a number of benefits: mobility, modernity of information, accessibility and informality. This improves the perception and work of geography teachers in self-education and upgrading their professional competencies. It also provides the opportunity to use new, up-to-date information in the form of lectures, presentations, manuals, statistical yearbooks and other information resources that are necessary for a teacher in his or her work.


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Author Biography

Viktoriia Mashkina, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Senior lecturer


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How to Cite
Mashkina, V. (2018). Distance training of geography teachers in the context of educational reform. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (27), 42-48. https://doi.org/10.26565/2075-1893-2018-27-06