Regional environmental programs of Dnipropetrovsk region: analysis, mapping, degree of implementation

Keywords: environmental problems, regional environmental programs, nature protection measures, mapping, environmental sa


The article is devoted to the geographical analysis of environmental problems and regional targeted environmental programs implemented in Dnipropetrovsk region. Geographical location, natural resources and human potential of the region contribute to the development of large enterprises in the extractive, metallurgical and chemical industries, which relate not only to material and energy-intensive industries, but also to environmentally hazardous facilities. As a result of the analysis, groups of environmental problems in the region were identified. Among them, the main ones are: pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere; violation of the natural water and hydrobiological regime of rivers; formation and accumulation of large volumes of industrial and domestic waste; storage of radioactive waste on the territory of the region and urban agglomerations; spread of dangerous exogenous geological processes; protection, use and reproduction
of wild fauna and flora and a low level of conservation. These types of environmental problems are inherent in other regions, but in Dnipropetrovsk region they are of a higher level and therefore require special attention. It especially concerns accumulation of huge volumes of industrial wastes, including toxic wastes, as well as the storage of large volumes of radioactive waste on the territory of the Dnieper-Kamyansk agglomeration, which are a threat to the health of millions of people. It has been established that the largest number of nature protection measures is implemented within the framework of the program for eliminating the consequences of territorial flooding, but the largest amounts of funding are provided for under the solid waste management program. In the framework of these programs, nature protection activities are financed mainly from regional funds (48-50%), while other sources account for almost 30%. Environmental
protection measures implemented in the region are grouped into five groups: organizational and management; engineering; engineering-geological; bio-meliorative; educational. A series of maps reflecting the severity of environmental problems in the region, the amount of funding and the degree of environmental measures implementation has been created. The study shows that the environmental situation in the region has improved both due to the implementation of regional environmental programs, and reduction of the negative impact on the environment due to a decrease in industrial production. Inadequate financing of environmental measures is exacerbated by the lack of a systematic approach to solving environmental problems of different nature and level.


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Author Biographies

Nataliya Duk, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

PhD (Geography), Associate professor

Irina Sumatokhina, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

PhD (Geography), Associate professor


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How to Cite
Duk, N., & Sumatokhina, I. (2018). Regional environmental programs of Dnipropetrovsk region: analysis, mapping, degree of implementation. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (27), 35-41.