Analysis of the development and functional zoning of the Russian Arctic cities, identified by satellite imagery
The paper deals with the study of the features of the developed areas and functional zoning of the largest Russian Arctic cities: Apatity, Vorkuta, Murmansk and Norilsk. The main data were images from SPOT-5 satellite (optical spectral range), Landsat 8 satellite (thermal spectral range) and masterplans of the studied cities, which were used for distinguishing the types of development. Images from the SPOT-5 satellite were used to reveal the urban development with its subsequent classification according to the type of use, and the functional zonation was corrected using the combination and generalization of the classes. Consideration of the thermal structure of urban areas in the analysis of their development and functional zoning allows us to identify features of urban space that are not visible in the optical range, important for assessing the city opportuneness for its inhabitants. It is revealed that the considered cities have many common characteristics. Thus, the area of industrial zones of all the cities beyond the Arctic Circle makes up a significant proportion - almost 50% of the territories. All industrial zones gravitate toward the city-forming enterprises, which is especially evident in the example of Norilsk. For most cities, a low proportion of natural and anthropogenic territories is common. In Apatity and Murmansk, this value is much higher than in the more eastern cities of the Polar region, because creation of parks in Vorkuta and Norilsk is difficult due to natural and climatic conditions. In the northern cities abandoned areas are spread, both former residential and industrial, which are especially numerous in Vorkuta. In the studied cities, a mid-rise and multi-storey type of development prevails, and there is practically no private sector with a private household, which is explained by the specific climatic conditions of the region.
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