The results of treatment the 34 patients with the acute purulent cholangitis was analysed. There were 9 men (26,4%) and 25 women (73,6%) in the age for 43 to 87. On the entrance those patients to the clinic their general condition were heavy, but some of them had middle weight condition. The possibility violation of the gall-ducts on the level of common bile ductwere conditioned with: the big stones have 18 patients (52,9%), which defied to endoscopiccholedocholithotraction; strictures of the ducts have 8 patients (24,7%); combination ofcholedocholithiasis with the strictures have 5 patients (14,7%); combination of the choledocholithiasis with parapapillar diverticulum have 3 patients (8,8%). The diagnostic program conclude of the clinical and laboratories methods investigations, ultrasound scanning, endofibroscopic investigation the top past of the gastro-intestinal tract, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, cholangiomanometry, bacteriological cheek up of the bile. The treatment program included: the standard infussional therapy of acute cholangitis and the obstructive jaundice; the endoscopic sphincterotomy with following nasobiliar drainage; thelandmark endocholangial leading the complex antibacterial medicine Levosin. As the resultsof the treatment all patients with acute obstructive purulent cholangitis in all cases weremixed in the period of 4-9 days after the treatment starting, with were definite by the clinicalflowing and verified by the dates of laboratorical cheek up methods. All of these allowed tofulfil the radical surgical intervention on the common bile duct with the least risk for the patient. There was no lethal outcome.Завантаження
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