• І.Yu. Burdа
  • N.V. Lysenko
  • M.I. Iabluchanskyi


QRS complex plays an important| role in heart work. Changes of its duration by shortening or prolonga-tion cause serious difficulties in electrophysiology and biomechanics of the heart. Recent publications| concerning changes of QRS complex duration in different cardiovascular diseases are given. The electrophysiology, biochemistry and biomechanical implementation of QRS complex and factors that influence its duration are discussed. The causes and mechanisms of changes of QRS complex duration during cardiovascular diseases are considered. It is emphasized that QRS complex duration influences not only clinical status, but also prognosis of the patients with cardiovascular diseases.




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Як цитувати
BurdаІ., Lysenko, N., & Iabluchanskyi, M. (1). IMPORTANCE OF QRS COMPLEX DURATION IN THE CLINICAL COURSE AND OUTCOMES OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (17), 73-81. вилучено із