This study included 30 cases of death among patients at the age of 47 to 83 years who underwent permanent pacing. The estimated factors considered patients’ sex (male, female), age, cause of death, clinical diagnosis, indications, type, the frequency and duration of pacing. Depending on the length of pacing, these deaths were divided into I) acute (from 1 to 7 days), II) sharp (7 to 30 days), III) postimplantation (30 days to 5 years) and IV) remote postimplantation (more than 5 years) periods. The obtained results reveal the fact that more than 2/3 of the deaths occurred in acute and postimplantation periods. The number of deaths pertaining these periods was approximately equal. The rest of the lethal cases, which includes 1/3 of the deaths, falls on the acute and remote postimplantation periods. The number of deaths happened in the acute period was two times less than in the remote postimplantation period. In 2/3 cases the death was caused by the acute heart failure, happening in the acute and sharp periods, correspondently. 1/3 of deaths can be qualified as caused by comorbid pathology, happened in postimplantation and remote postimplantation periods. Patients, who had heart failure in their life-time, have the least favorable prognosis for recovery.Завантаження
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