• I. Yu. Rybalchenko
  • I. V. Soldatenko
  • L. O. Martіmyanova
Keywords: atrial fibrillation, QRS complex duration, ventricular rate control, the forecast


A total of 130 patients with permanent atrial fibrillation (AF) (78 men and 52 women) aged (64 ± 9 years) were observed. The average duration of AF was (6 ± 5) years. Depending on the class of QRS complex dura­tion (QRS) patients were divided into two subgroups — with normal QRS duration (NQRS) and with pro­longed QRS (LQRS). Prognostic significance of clinical signs and hemodynamic parameters in assessment of the effectiveness of permanent AF control was determined retrospectively on the medical therapy results via step discriminant analysis in two subgroups of patients. Among the studied clinical signs and hemodynamic parameters (age of the patients, AF duration, prescription, severity of the symptoms of AF (EHRA), degree of hypertension, functional class of stable angina and heart failure, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, ventri­cular rate (VR), QRS duration, the anteroposterior size of the left atrium, left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, posterior wall thickness and ejection fraction) statistically significant criteria for the effectiveness of permanent AF control for the patients with NQRS was VR and for the patients with LQRS — QRS duration and LV posterior wall thickness.


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How to Cite
Rybalchenko, I. Y., Soldatenko, I. V., & MartіmyanovaL. O. (1). PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA IN ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PERMANENT ATRIAL FIBRILLATION CONTROL IN DIFFERENT CLASSES OF QRS COMPLEX DURATION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (22), 54-58. Retrieved from
Clinical research