Identification of distributed parameter systems, described by the equation of neutron transport with anisotropic time-dependent collision integral

  • Anatolij S. Sokhin V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: Identification, equation of transpor


In the paper we study the problem of identification of a nonstationary many-dimensional linear Boltzmann equation with a nonsingular generator of neutrons. We identify an equation by the given initial flows of neutrons and the observed final flows of neutrons. We ascertain the one-to-one correspondence between density of the generator of neutrons and the observation which associates inicial increment of neutrons to the final flow of neutrons.


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How to Cite
Sokhin, A. S. (2012). Identification of distributed parameter systems, described by the equation of neutron transport with anisotropic time-dependent collision integral. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Ser. Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, (1018), 30-40.