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Author Guidelines

There are no article publication and submission charges.

1. The journal publishes papers in all areas of mathematics.

2. Submission is the receiving by the Editorial Office of the following: information about author(s), LaTeX files of the manuscript and files of illustrations (more details below).

It is welcomed if the author suggests the names of the members of the Editorial board with appropriate area of expertise, and also offers a list of three or more specialists with contact details who could be reviewers. The editorial board reserves the right to attract reviewers as proposed by the author, and other experts.

3. Manuscripts should be in English or in Ukrainian. Manuscripts should be electronically prepared using the document preparation system LaTeX. Sample file for preparation can be gotten in the Editorial Office or on the web-page (see below).

4. The first page should contain: the title of the manuscript, author's first name, last name, affiliation(s), postal addresses, e-mails of all authors.

5. Abstract should contain author's first name, last name, title of the paper and MSC 2020.  Extended Abstracts (more than 1800 symbols each) in English and in Ukrainian must accompany the manuscript. The Editorial Board could help with the translation of abstracts to Ukrainian. Also provide UDC Classification number(s) on the first page of the manuscript. 

 6. The manuscript should have references in Roman script.

The style and punctuation of the references is illustrated by the following examples:

Book :
1. A.M. Lyapunov. The general problem of the stability of motion. 1892. Kharkov Mathematical Society, Kharkov, 251 p.

Journal Article :
2. A.M. Lyapunov. A new case of integrability of differential equations of motion of a solid body in liquid, Rep. Kharkov Math. Soc., - 1893. - 2. V.4. - P. 81-85.

Provide DOI for each reference, if available.

7. Each illustration should be presented by a separated file in one of the following formats: EPS, BMP, JPG.

8. We ask authors to provide information on their personal scientific profiles (,, ) with the corresponding web-links. Please provide the information using Authors-2018-12-info.docx  ( pdf ).  Each author should provide the link to personal  open for reading ORCID-profile and e-mail address.

7. In the case of non-observance of this rules of manuscript preparation a manuscript will not be considered.

8. Manuscripts should be sent to both addresses:  and 

Journal "Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University"
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University
4, Svobody sqr.,
Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

9. If you experience difficulties with the manuscript submission, please contact the Managing Editor of the Journal (Alexander Rezounenko ).


Important : Preparation in LaTeX.

2022: samlpe files for manuscript preparation

OLD: Here is the sample LaTeX 2e file ( Visnyk-math-sample-2020-02.tex ) for manuscript preparation and the auxiliary file (Visnyk-2020-02.tex) containing all definitions needed for the sample LaTeX file. The author needs to download all these files and compile Visnyk-math-sample-2020-02.tex (sample file) in LaTeX 2e.  See also Visnyk-math-sample-2020-02.pdf

Do not modify the file Visnyk-math-2022-11.tex !

The main output should be pdf, not DVI file. 

Use Last Name of an author and digits for LaTeX labels (formulas, references, etc.).

Do not use commands \section, \subsection .

Have any question? Feel free to contact us (main)

See detailed rules on

Last updated: Dec 5, 2022.

Visnyk Kharkivs'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni V. N. Karazina, Seriya «Matematyka, prykladna matematyka i mekhanika»