Minimal and totally geodesic unit sections of the unit sphere bundles

Keywords: Sasaki metric, unit sphere bundle, totally geodesic unit section


We consider a real vector bundle $\E$ of rank $p$ and a unit sphere bundle $\E_1\subset \E$ over the Riemannian $M^n$ with the Sasaki-type metric. A unit section of $\E_1$ gives rise to a submanifold in $\E_1$. We give some examples of local minimal unit sections and present a complete description of local totally geodesic unit sections of $\E_1$ in the simplest non-trivial case $p=2$ and $n=2$.


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How to Cite
Yampolsky, A. L. (2012). Minimal and totally geodesic unit sections of the unit sphere bundles. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Ser. Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, (1030), 54-70.