Construction of a set of programm controls solving the problem of controllability for some class of linear non-autonomous inhomogeneous systems

  • Vasilij A. Skoryk V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: controllability, linear non-autonomous inhomogeneous system, canonical form


Approximate bimodal solutions for the integro-differential Boltzmann equation for the model of hard spheres are built in the case when the Maxwellian modes are screws with different degrees of infnite-simality of their angular velocities. Some suffcient conditions to minimization of integral remainder between the sides of the Boltzmann equation are obtained.


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How to Cite
Skoryk, V. A. (2013). Construction of a set of programm controls solving the problem of controllability for some class of linear non-autonomous inhomogeneous systems. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Ser. Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, (1061), 53-84.